is a missions opportunity for LifePointe individuals ages 12+ to partner with YUGO Ministries and help build homes for families in need in Ensenada, Mexico. 
This Summer's trip - July 13-20 -   will be LifePointe's 18th visit to Mexico to build our 20th home and to connect with very dear friends.

Along with building a home, Team Mexico  will share in worship, team building, a little bit of sightseeing, and hopefully a visit to families and friends from previous home builds.

If you are interested in joining Team Mexico for future missions trips, please email us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Meet the Robles Aguilar Family!

We are so exited to share with you the story of this beautiful family with whom you and your team will be sharing the love and hope of Jesus. Take a few minutes to get to know them and to pray about how God could use Team Mexico & LifePointe to minister to them. 
Carolina - Mother, 31 years old, Nursing school and Part time sales  //  Rafaela - Carolina’s Mom, 52 years old, Sells Seafood
Kimberly - Daughter, 11 years old, Student, Elementary School  //  Kendra Michell - Daughter, 8 years old, Student, Elementary School
THEIR STORY: Carolina was born in Mazatlán. She grew up next to 5 siblings and was raised by her parents. Her father was a fisherman and was offered a job in Ensenada when she was 10 years old and the family settled down here. She went to highschool and had her first baby at 21. She met her partner in high school but that relationship ended after 3 years. Carolina had her second baby at 23 and the father didn't get involved. Up to this day she is the only provider for her kids; her exes do not support her in any way. Carolina shares a house with her mother and her 2 daughters. She is paying a rent of $3,500 pesos monthly while also paying $2,500 for her land. Carolina is in nursing school and is hoping to finish soon so she can find a better job to support her family, including her mother. She is currently working selling seafood and earns $1,700 pesos weekly. When times allow she sells food as a side job. 

SPIRITUAL LIFE: Growing up, Carolina heard snippets of the Gospel but never attended a church until now. Pastor Manuel's church threw a "carne asada" for the neighborhood to which Carolina was invited. She's been attending his church since then. That was how she heard about YUGO's program.
THEIR COMMUNITY: The Robles Aguilar family is currently living in a small rural community called Carretera Ojos Negros, North of Ensenada. This area of the city is home to thousands of migrant families, who came from southern states of Mexico, looking for better opportunities. Many ‘colonias’ don’t have the most basic services, such as running water, electricity, and sewage systems. However, these areas are often the ones that offer the lowest prices to acquire a piece of land, and for that reason many families will buy in those areas despite the lack of services. For these families, the most common job opportunity is as a field laborer, providing workers the equivalent of about 65 dollars per week. These factors combined create a challenging environment for families to grow and create a safe space to call home.
THEIR PASTOR: Manuel Salvador Cervera Cuerdas de Amor We have an incredible team of local pastors that YUGO Ministries partners with and they really are the front line of our ministry. Many of the local pastors do not receive any kind of salary for their ministry - they live by faith that God will provide. Some pastors need to find part time work in order to provide for their families. The pastors who work with us to prepare for your team have put a lot of work and resources into the preparations as well. The local pastor you are partnering with is Manuel Salvador Cervera.



Questions? Send Team Mexico an email and someone will reach out to you.