AccessPointe is a ministry within KidPointe (LifePointe's Children's Ministry), that serves children with special needs by providing them with a one-on-one buddy who will attend KidPointe and help provide accommodations making worshipping at LifePointe possible.  

Our goal is to partner with parents and to work together to make worship a
community and fun experience for their children and to allow parents an
opportunity to attend and worship at our adult services worry-free.

General Questions

When will AccessPointe be available? 
AccessPointe will be available at the 11:15 am service only.  

How do I sign my child up to have a buddy at AccessPointe?
Start by filling out the AccessPointe Interest Form. Shortly after, our volunteer staff will contact parents to set up a meeting and to fill out an AccessPointe Application.  Please be patient as this may take some time to coordinate.  Following the application submission, there will be an interview to make sure that we can match up the right volunteer to be able to provide the appropriate accommodations.  

Will every child who applies receive services from AccessPointe?  
At this time, the children we are aiming to serve are those with disabilities making attending the normal KidPointe setting difficult without one-on-one accommodations. Children must be at least 3 years old to begin receiving services.  An application and interview with the family are required before receiving services.  

How can you help with AccessPointe?  
AccessPointe will be staffed by volunteers.  These volunteers are also considered KidPointe Volunteers as they will be serving in that environment.  If you are interested in being a one-on-one buddy for a child, please fill out the AccessPointe Volunteer Application.  If you have questions about volunteering please reach out to Scott Kline, our Children’s Director, or Jennifer Daniels, our Children's Ministry Associate, by using the form below.  


Using the form below, feel free to reach out to Scott Kline (Children's Director) or Jennifer Daniels (Children's Ministry Associate).
You can also contact the LifePointe offices at 757-741-1022